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Identifizierung des Owner-C & Admin-C:


1. validation_number


Nummerntyp und Identifizierungsnummer in der Form "Nummerntyp:Identifizierungsnummer"

"0": Andere Nummer
"1": DNI oder NIF
"3": NIE


2. validation_type


Rechtsform des Kontaktes:

"1": individual
"39": Economic Interest Group
"47": Association
"59": Sports Association
"68": Professional Association
"124": Savings Bank
"150": Community Property
"152": Community of Owners
"164": Order or Religious Institution
"181": Consulate
"197": Public Law Association
"203": Embassy
"229": Local Authority
"269": Sports Federation
"286": Foundation
"365": Mutual Insurance Company
"434": Regional Government Body
"436": National Government Body
"439": Political Party
"476": Trade Union
"510": Farm Partnership
"524": Public Limited Company
"525": Sports Association
"554": civil society
"560": General Partnership
"562": General and Limited Partnership
"566": Cooperative
"608": Worker-owned Company
"612": Limited Company
"713": Spanish Office
"717": Temporary Alliance of Enterprises
"744": Worker-owned Limited Company
"745": Regional Public Entity
"746": National Public Entity
"747": Local Public Entity
"877": Others
"878": Designation of Origin Supervisory Council
"879": Entity Managing Natural Areas


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